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It’s Personal

It’s Personal

 As a young child in the church, I observed people professing their faith in Jesus Christ. This prompted me to ask questions.  I memorized John 3:16, For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him […]

Why Does God Answer Our Prayers?

Why Does God Answer Our Prayers?

At work one day, a coworker told me she had her home for sale. After talking to her about it, I could tell she was very distressed about how long the house had been on the market with no interest shown. She and her husband […]

Time is Precious

Time is Precious

Recently my husband and I celebrated our 50th anniversary. It is amazing to reflect over the years of our lives and their many phases: the college days, the time in the Air Force, raising children, working, retiring for me, sweet daughters-in-law, grandchildren, and all the […]

Humble Pie

Humble Pie

Have you ever had a humbling experience? I have had many. It seems that just when I think I have things lined out pretty well, one of those “you’re-not-so-cool-as-you-think” experiences comes along. I remember the first semester I started teaching at Angelina College. I posted […]

Joyful in Trials

Joyful in Trials

Many of you who memorize God’s Word know the joy of looking deeper into Scripture verses as you study them. I have outlined this process as a part of my book, My Time with The Lord. My Bible memory verse plan offers a guide for […]

Why Should I Rejoice?

Why Should I Rejoice?

Lately I have noticed the word rejoice quite often as I study the Bible, read Christian books, and peruse devotionals. I am amazed at the frequency by which you see joy and rejoice in the Bible. Rejoice by definition means to be glad; to take […]

Keep Your Eye on the Prize

Keep Your Eye on the Prize

Recently I have observed the rigors of participation in running competition. My son has been in multiple triathlons and my grandchildren are participating in long distance running at school and running with their dad in area 5Ks. I remember how fun it was to run […]

As A Man Thinks So Is He

As A Man Thinks So Is He

When I was young, I remember my dad reading to me at night. He read things like Aesop’s Fables and Greek mythology–things I think he enjoyed but also what he felt were classics. He also took my sister and me to the bookstore at the […]

What is on your hard drive?

What is on your hard drive?

Have you ever considered how many things we have to memorize? Multiple times daily we are required to use social security numbers, phone numbers, email addresses, and passwords, just to name a few. I recently went to our insurance company’s website to look at the […]

Lost and Found

Lost and Found

Can you remember the last time you lost something of value?  The frantic feeling and the urgency is overwhelming. Recently my husband and I were waiting at the airport to board our flight. While we waited, I looked around some of the shops but soon […]