Category: Treasures
Powerful or Powerless?
Do you sometimes feel powerless? It is easy to let your problems overwhelm you. David Jeremiah says, however, “If you’re facing a giant in your life right now, don’t compare yourself to the giant but compare the giant to God.” When David was facing Goliath […]
Several years ago, my oldest grandson got married, and Kendall McDonald, a family friend and pastor, officiated the ceremony. Kendall shared that most couples who counsel with him explain their plan for their marriage to be a 50/50 partnership. He says he allows them […]
Sovereignty of God
Watching the news recently, I commented to a friend, “I just don’t watch the news anymore. It’s not very uplifting and it discourages me.” Her reply confronted me with a very important truth. She said, “I do, otherwise I would not know how to pray!” […]
Flying with the Holy Spirit By Ken Jones
During the Viet Nam era I was an instructor pilot (IP) in the United States Air Force. I trained not only U.S. students but Italians, Danes, and Saudi Arabians. It was my charge to train students in their first introduction to jets. These students spent […]
The Joy and Privilege of Prayer
Recently I was invited to join a group of ladies gathering to pray for a young woman facing serious health issues. This group of about 20 ladies was given the privilege of praying for the specific needs she had entrusted to us. What an honor, […]
David and Goliath By Ken Jones
The story of David and Goliath ranks up there with some of the best-known Bible stories, especially with children. The story emphasizes good over evil, it has a giant, it has swords, shields and spears and the good guy wins. However, there is much more […]
Our Changing World
This summer my husband and I went to his high school reunion. We both attended the same high school, but It had been a very long time since we had visited. Every time we go, I always want to take a tour of our old […]
His Presence
I recently read a quote by Dr. Gregory Boyd that greatly impacted me. Dr. Boyd, speaking on the subject of God’s presence, asserted, “I’ve become absolutely convinced that remaining aware of God’s presence is the single most important task in the life of every follower […]
One morning, very early on a cold winter day, Ken and I climbed up in the deer stand. Even though it was drizzling rain we were committed to finding the great “muy grande” deer that morning. We settled in and watched as the sun rose […]
What does it mean to be strong and courageous?
When I consider the words strong and courageous, many things come to mind. From the world’s perspective, it seems to mean that you are to be strong, you are to be courageous. There are many clichés or sayings that point to this worldly perspective: “You […]