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“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (Ephesians 4:29). You may have heard of the book, The Five Love Languages, written […]

Joseph–Most Obedient Servant                 By Ken Jones

Joseph–Most Obedient Servant By Ken Jones

As Christmas approaches, I am reminded of what I believe to be the least discussed obedient servant in the New Testament, Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus.  Try and imagine what it meant to be chosen by God to protect and train his only begotten […]

Mighty Men of Valor

Mighty Men of Valor

Mighty Men of Valor was the topic of a recent church Bible class that impacted me greatly. The teacher’s passion for God’s Word and its examples of faithful men was contagious. His personal desire burned powerfully that his own two sons might emulate such “mighty […]

The Body of Christ

The Body of Christ

When I was a young mother, Ken and I took our first trip with a baby. Clay was a newborn and we decided to visit a college friend. We packed up all the essentials and took off to a small town in east Texas, where […]



Years ago, when teaching Fundamentals of Nursing, one of the basic practices we introduced to our students was that of self-evaluation. This concept was a foreign one to some students and a difficult one for most. Coupled with the skills objective outlines each student received […]



Back in the 1950’s, when I was young, I remember going to Saint Mary’s Hospital in Port Arthur to make rounds with my dad. The hospital rule was that you had to be at least 12 to go up to the patient rooms, so I […]



Recently my husband and I were discussing an article posted on an internet news site. Pertinent to the discussion, of course, were the identity and credentials of the author and the actual validity of the content. All of us, today more than ever, need to […]



I remember as a young child sitting at the kitchen table with my mother signing my name on valentine cards and putting the names of my classmates on the envelopes. These were the small cards that had sweet sayings on them, and they always included […]

Jesus is Lord

Jesus is Lord

If you travel around East Texas at all, you’ll be struck by the sight of wooden crosses adorning the yards of many homes. Emblazoned on each are the words, “Jesus is Lord”. A little research turns up that the crosses originate from a church in […]



One cold winter morning in November, my husband and I put on our warm layers and camo to head out deer hunting as we have done together for many years. We drove to the part of the ranch we had selected to hunt that morning, […]